If a system of government works and is effective, why do we still feel unhappy about it? Maybe, no matter how it is, Man is made to be dissatisfied and it is this state of disequilibrium that pushes him in new and better directions.
It had been an interesting week with the leadership clearly using the words 'selective','pragmatic', 'social cohesion' and 'social equity' in the same report.
Now, we have always been constantly reminded how pragmatic this society is. I mean how many times can a people be told they cannot survive without working to death (why retire? working's fun and keeps you independent on yourself)because they are small?
I am touched that we, the people, had been given the recognition that we have truly matured to embrace the 'selectiveness' of this system. Now we know where we truly stand by just looking at these markers that had been set up for us.
On another note, who needs entertainment news when you have politics in its purest form flexing its arms? It truly lives up to the Machiavellian spirit of accosting your enemies at its swiftest and deepest, leaving us satisfied and stupefied.
While the weak opponent was falling all over the place and as usual hanging his head in shame (again we not only keep saying sorry, we feel sorry for ourselves) the other managed to put a cloud over the mistake that had put this county in one of the highest state of alert since our parents' times, by swaying the propaganda to his victim's court.
Recently (with all the furore that ended with we'll talk and solve this now sounding like all talk and no action, another common trait associated (rightly?) with my community) the victor emerged with a coup of sorts that avoided all the drama and did all the work to provide a pragmatic solution.
Ah now, who cares about social liberty when you can have what works, and is fast to boot?