Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A rainy homeschooling day

I started school early today by doing my written English and Maths workbooks that I'm supposed to do a page of each day. As mum slept in late, we got to play the trains and cars after that. She got caught up with cutting up some cards, so we managed to slot in time to play with the flashlight.....

Thereafter, we played snap with the Scooby Doo matching cards that mum just made. We were supposed to play naming the cards afterwards but Umayr wasn't interested. I got to play the geography game Seterra with mum. We did Asian countries and flags.

When mum had to read to Umayr, she let me continue playing with the programme, I love playing flags and try very hard to be top of the league. After reading to Umayr, they played speling the animals with the small movable alphabets. He later played matching animals and their young cards.

When I was done with my game, Mum did a worksheet on 'Where I live', we explored where I lived from planets to continent, to country, to city, to address. We didn't have outdoors as it was raining heavily outside.

So, Ummi gave us tissue boxes and cardboard to make train carriages which we decorated with glitter, markers and finger prints. After that, we managed to sneak in some time to play with our trains when ummi was teaching Sofiyya.

As she was cooking, Ummi let us watch the story of Prophet Yusof and Ibrahim online. After lunch, it was time for solat and tilawati. As we had some time after doing our Arabic writing, mum played a game of chess and then it was time for TV......